Why should I sterilise my cat?
The most obvious reason for sterilising cats is that it eliminates unwanted pregnancies. Rescues receive thousands of homeless kittens every year simply because owners have not sterilised their cats. A female can come on heat as early as four months of age, so it is imperative that you get your cat sterilised as early as possible.
Additonally, from 1 November 2013 sterilisation of cats six months and older is compulsory. Your cat also needs to be microchipped.
Unsterilised females have a much greater risk of life-threatening uterine infections as well as uterine, ovarian and mammary cancer.
Unsterilised males can become aggressive towards their owners and will get into fights with other males as they search for females. The frequent fights expose them to serious infectious diseases and abscesses, which will ultimately result in higher vet bills and a shorter lifespan.
Both unsterilised male and female cats have a tendency to spray, wander off your property and are more likely to get lost or hit by a car.
Why should I microchip my cat?
Microchipping your cat means that if your cat gets lost or picked up by a council ranger, your cat can be quickly and easily identified and returned safely to you asap. If your cat isn't microchipped, there is a strong possibility that it will be rehomed if it cannot be identified and this is a devastating outcome for you.
Microchipping also reduces the amount of time your cat may have to spend in a pound or shelter if it is lost as they can contact you very quickly.
Microchipping is a simple, painless procedure where a small electronic chip is placed under your cat's skin in the shoulder area. The microchip is registered and it holds all your contact information, which can be accessed easily by a vet using a special scanner.